Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


1.1  Latar Belakang Masalah
Menjalankan bisnis atau usaha yang dahulu mungkin banyak dijalankan oleh golongan yang sudah tidak bekerja lagi di kantor atau suatu perusahaan.Tetapi kini,menjalankan sudah banyak dipilih olh para anak muda,tentu saja sesuai dengan minat jiwa muda mereka.
Usaha distro(distribution store) adalah salah satu yang banyak diminati oleh kalangan muda,sebab disini barang-barang yang mereka jual adalah hasil dari kreasi mereka sendiri dalam menentukan desain atau gambar,memlilih bahan dan warna sampai metode produksi yang tepat untuk setiap produk mereka.Jadi selain mereka dapat memiliki penghasilan sendiri di usia yang masih muda,mereka juga tetap dapat menyalurkan karya mereka.
Namun tentunya,setiap usaha yang dijalankan memiliki kekuatan,kelemahan,peluang serta ancaman yang dapat digunakan oleh para pengusaha muda ini untuk menyiasati kemajuan usaha mereka.

1.2  Rumusan Masalah

·         Apa kelebihan(strength),kelemahan(weakness),peluang(opportunity) serta ancaman(threat) dalam menjalankan usaha distro?
·         Apa  visi yang mereka jalankan untuk memajukan bisnis mereka?

1.3  Tujuan Penelitian

·         Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar  kekuatan,kelemahan,peluang serta ancaman dalam menjalankan bisnis distro
·         untuk mengetahui visi yang dijalankan oleh para pengusaha muda yang menjalankan bisnis ini untuk memajukan bisnis mereka.

1.4  Hipotesis
Kelebihan/kekuatan dan peluang dari distro ini masih relatif banyak sehingga usaha ini dapat bertahan lama.

1.5  Metode Penelitian Pengamatan Lapangan

Dengan alat : wawancara

1.6  Lokasi penelitian

Lokasi          : Jakarta
Tempat        : ONEWAY STORE
                     Jl. Waru no. 20B Rawamangun,Jakarta Timur.
Narasumber  : Merry selaku manajer ONEWAY STORE Jakarta.


ONEWAY STORE yang berdiri tahun 2008 merupakan salah satu usaha yang masih dapat berkembang saat ini.Selain berlokasi di Rawamangun,Jakarta, ONEWAY STORE membuka cabang di Jl. Bintaro Utama Raya Sektor V Blok EB1/73

Kekuatan (Strenght) :
-      Lokasi usaha ini sangat strategis.
-      Produk yang dikeluarkan berkualitas.
-      Produk yang dikeluarkan mengikuti perkembangan terkini atau yang sedang diminati anak  muda.
-      Tampilan display barang-barang menarik.
-      Sering mengadakan event-event menarik seperti diskon atau pagelaran musik.

Kelemahan (Weakness) :
-      Karena lokasi parkir sempit,maka tempat parkir untuk mobil sangat kurang.
-      Pegawai nya tergolong sedikit.
-      Barang untuk konsumen wanita tergolong masih sedikit.

Peluang (Opportunity) :
-      Lokasi rawamangun yang banyak dijadikan oleh anak muda sebagai tempat berkumpul bersama teman-teman mereka.
-      Minat anak muda untuk membeli barang di distro masih besar.
-      Perkembangan produk-produk terbaru masih sangat besar.
-      Distro menjual berbagai kebutuhan yang akan terus dibutuhkan oleh konsumen seperti baju,sepatu,dll.

Ancaman (Threat) :
-      Banyaknya distro pesaing yang muncul.
-      Harga distro yang cenderung lebih mahal dibanding dengan harga barang di pasar ,dapat menyebabkan konsumen pindah ke harga yang lebih murah apalagi saat perekonoman sedang susah seperti saat ini.
Visi :
-      Berencana membuka cabang di Medan.
-      Terus menyediakan produk yang berkualitas dan terkini.

Anggota kelompok :
-      Gita Puji Astuti (13211086) à http : gitapuji.blogspot.com
-      Noviantika (15211244) à http : novie.ajah77.blogspot.com
-      Risa Sarah Septiarani (16211268) à http : risarah.blogspot.com

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

My Conditional Sentence Task ^.^

1.    I didn’t feel good yesterday.If I (feel)______ better. I (come)______  to class yesterday.
Answer :
I didn’t feel good yesterday.If I had felt better. I would have come to class yesterday.

·         Conditional Type 3 àThe situation above showed that is in the contrary to the past so If clause must become Past perfect and the result clause must be added by would have + past participle (V3).

2.    I don’t feel good today. If I (feel) ______ better. I  (take) _______ a walk in the past today.
Answer :
I don’t feel good today. If I feel better. I will take a walk in the past today.

·         Conditional Type 1 à The situation above showed that is in the present/future so if clause must become Simple Present and the result clause must be added by will/can + simple form (V1).

3.    I have a cold today,but I will probably feel better tomorrow. I (feel) ____ better tomorrow . I (go) _____ to class.
Answer :
I have a cold today,but I will probably feel better tomorrow. If I feel better tomorrow . I will go to class.

·         Conditional Type 1à The situation above showed that is in the present/future so if clause must become Simple Present and the result clause must be added by will/can + simple form (V1).
4.    I’m sorry that you didn’t come to the party. If you (come) _______ , you (have) ______ a good time.
Answer :
I’m sorry that you didn’t come to the party. If you had came , you would have had a good time.

·         Conditional Type 3 àThe situation above showed that is in the contrary to the past so If clause must become Past perfect and the result clause must be added by would have/could have + past participle (V3).

5.    I’m tired. If I (be,not) _______ tired. I (help) ________ you.
Answer :
I’m tired. If I am not tired. I will help you.

·         Conditional Type 1 à The situation above showed that is in the present/future so if clause must become Simple Present and the result clause must be added by will/can + simple form (V1).


Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

How to Make Our CD’s Clean

Sometimes,CD (Compact Disk),VCD or DVD can not play the song or film that saved in.It is usually causes by dirt or dust that stick at our CD’s. Don’t worry,we can clean it with Cajuput oil.Cajuput oil is Cajeput oil is a volatile oil obtained by distillation from the leaves of the myrtaceous tree Melaleuca leucadendra, and probably other Melaleuca species. The trees yielding the oil are found throughout the Malay archipelago, the Malay Peninsula and over the hotter parts of the Australian continent; but the greater portion of the oil is produced from Sulawesi. The name “cajeput” is derived from its Malay name, “kayu putih” or "white wood".
First,put the oil into a cotton or tissue.After that,clean the surface of CD’s gently until it looks clean and shiny. Voilaa,our CD’s can play our film or songs again.. Try It! ^.^


                                                                                                                              cajuput oil

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

My Active-Passive Task ^.^

ACTIVE  sentences - the form is Present Perfect
          The Secretary is going to answer the letter.

PASSIVE  sentences – so it must to has been and  V3
          The letter has been answered by the secretary.

PASSIVE sentences – the form is Simple Present
          Medicine can be prescribed by a doctor.

ACTIVE  sentences – so it must to change the verb from V3 to V1
          A doctor can prescribe medicine.       


Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Direct and Indirect Speech in the article Australians name Garuda world’s best

Australians name Garuda world’s best

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 03/07/2012 10:03 AM
Publicly listed national flag carrier Garuda Indonesia is recognized as “The Best International Airline” according to a recent independent survey carried out in Australia on all major airlines throughout the world.

The customer satisfaction survey, conducted by Australia-based research company Roy Morgan, ranked Garuda Indonesia ahead of other international leading airlines, such as Singapore Airlines, Emirates and Air New Zealand, with 91 percent of the 3,943 respondents being “very satisfied” with the airline’s products and services.

Garuda president director Emirsyah Satar said that the recent survey recognized the success of its “Quantum Leap” program, which included the revitalization of its existing fleet and the introduction of “The Garuda Indonesia Experience”, the carrier’s service concept that offered a uniquely Indonesian level of service both in-flight and on the ground.(*)

He also said that he was very proud of his team at Garuda for this award because competition in the aviation industry was getting stronger each year. In addition, he said that Garuda Indonesia had never been recognized as “The Best International Airline” in previous surveys conducted by Roy Morgan.

“This survey really surprises us and we are going to keep improving our services in order to satisfy all of our customers,” he said.

William Mansell, one of Garuda’s Australian customers and a former Jakarta resident, said like other Asian airlines, Garuda excels in terms of services and hospitality, coupled by competitive pricing.

“Garuda in particular is leagues ahead of Australian airlines. It’s as though the Australian have forgotten the aspect of hospitality that was once synonymous with air travel,“ William said.(**)

Roy Morgan Research is Australia’s best-known and longest-established market research and public opinion polling company, founded in 1941 by Roy Morgan, with offices in four mainland Australian states, as well as Auckland, London, New York, Princeton and Indonesia.

The Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Award added to a string of accolades, including the four-star rating by Skytrax, the global benchmark for airline service standards, in 2009.

Garuda Indonesia was also named the “World’s Most Improved Airline” at the Skytrax World Airline Awards in Hamburg and “Asia’s Leading Service Quality Airline” by the Center for Asia-Pacific Aviation (CAPA) in 2010.

The airline has shown stronger performance every year, and it was able to end 2011 on a high note, booking significant growth in both the number of passengers and revenue.

According to the airline’s recent data, total revenue jumped 38 percent to Rp 27.1 trillion (US$2.95 billion) last year, up from Rp 19.5 trillion in 2010.

This year, Garuda Indonesia aims to increase its total revenue by a further 21 percent.

Moreover, the number of passengers rose 39 percent throughout last year to 17.1 million, up from 12.5 million in 2010.

Garuda flew 13.9 million domestic passengers and 3.2 million international passengers last year.

This year, the airline will also launch a Jakarta–Taipei route in May, and a Denpasar–Tokyo through Haneda Airport route in April, flying Boeing B737-800NG and Airbus A330-200 aircraft, respectively.

The airline will increase flights between several cities, such as Jakarta–Pekanbaru from four to six flights daily, Jakarta–Batam from four to five flights a day and Jakarta–Kuala Lumpur from two to three flights a day.

Source : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2012/03/07/australians-name-garuda-world-s-best.html

(*) INDIRECT SPEECH(Kalimat Tidak Langsung) à bagian dari Reported Speech atau kalimat berita yang menceritakan atau menjelaskan pembicaraan orang lain kembali kepada yang lainnya.Jadi,yang paling membedakan dengan kalimat direct speech adalah tidak adanya tanda petik dalam polanya. Di dalam contoh kalimat tidak langsung yang saya temukan di artikel ini adalah bentuk kalimat statement atau kalimat pernyataan. Sehingga pola yang terbentuk dari kalimat dibawah ini adalah

ID : S + P + O + (THAT) + S + P + O
Garuda president director Emirsyah Satar said that the recent survey recognized the success of its “Quantum Leap” program, which included the revitalization of its existing fleet and the introduction of “The Garuda Indonesia Experience”, the carrier’s service concept that offered a uniquely Indonesian level of service both in-flight and on the ground.

(**) DIRECT SPEECH (kalimat Langsung) à Merupakan salah satu dari pembagian dari Reported Speech atau yang sering disebut sebagai kalimat berita. Yang perlu diperhatikan pada kalimat ini adalah kalimat di dalam tanda petik karena hal ini akan menentukan conjuction yang akan digunakan. Contoh direct speech yang saya temukan di dalam artikel ini juga merupakan bentuk statement atau kalimat pernyataan sehingga pola yang terbentuk dari contoh kalimat di bawah ini adalah

DS : S + P + O,”S + P + O
“Garuda in particular is leagues ahead of Australian airlines. It’s as though the Australian have forgotten the aspect of hospitality that was once synonymous with air travel,“ William said.

Source :