Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

How to Make Our CD’s Clean

Sometimes,CD (Compact Disk),VCD or DVD can not play the song or film that saved in.It is usually causes by dirt or dust that stick at our CD’s. Don’t worry,we can clean it with Cajuput oil.Cajuput oil is Cajeput oil is a volatile oil obtained by distillation from the leaves of the myrtaceous tree Melaleuca leucadendra, and probably other Melaleuca species. The trees yielding the oil are found throughout the Malay archipelago, the Malay Peninsula and over the hotter parts of the Australian continent; but the greater portion of the oil is produced from Sulawesi. The name “cajeput” is derived from its Malay name, “kayu putih” or "white wood".
First,put the oil into a cotton or tissue.After that,clean the surface of CD’s gently until it looks clean and shiny. Voilaa,our CD’s can play our film or songs again.. Try It! ^.^


                                                                                                                              cajuput oil

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